Boards and Commissions
Last Update: 2/11/2025
Victims Assistance Advisory Council, State
22 members appointed by the Attorney General: 1 to serve as chairperson; 1 to represent the Ohio Victim-Witness Association; 3 to represent local victim assistance programs, with 1 from a municipally operated program and 1 from a county-operated program; 1 to represent elderly victims; 1 member who represents the interests of individuals with mental illness; 1 board member of any statewide or local organization that exists primarily to aid victims of sexual violence or who is an employee of or a counselor for such an organization; 1 board member of any organization that exists primarily to aid victims of domestic violence or 1 employee of or counselor for such an organization; 1 member who is a board member or employee of any statewide organization that exists primarily to provide no cost legal representation to crime victims to seek enforcement of crime victims' rights during criminal proceedings; 1 member who is an employee of an agency that provides services to individuals with developmental or intellectual disabilities; 1 member of a victim service disability agency; 1 employee from a statewide forensic nursing organization; 1 employee or officer of a county probation department or a probation department operated by the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction; 1 county prosecuting attorney; 1 city law director; 1 county sheriff; 1 member or officer of a township or municipal police department; 1 court of common pleas judge; 1 municipal court judge or county court judge; and 2 private citizens who are not government employees. The Attorney General, 1 member of the Senate designated by the Senate President, and 1 member of the House of Representatives designated by the House Speaker serve as nonvoting members.