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Boards and Commissions
Ohio Legislative Service Commission
Victims Assistance Advisory Council, State
Status Type of Board Full-time Expiration Date
Current Permanent No 12/31/2024
Subject to Sunset Review Partisan Affiliation Restriction Senate Confirmation Required
Yes No No
Authority Total Membership
R.C. 109.91(B) 25
Dates of Appointment Term Length
Not specified Term of office;pleasure of appointing authority
Ending Date Of Term Report Requirements
Not applicable Not applicable
Appointment Authority Membership Composition
Other, Senate President, Speaker House members, Members with other stated qualifications, Public members, Senate members, Statewide elected officials/department heads
Compensation Staff Assistance
Expenses Only None specified
Chairperson Additional Information
Appointed by Attorney General
22 members appointed by the Attorney General: 1 to serve as chairperson; 1 to represent the Ohio Victim-Witness Association; 3 to represent local victim assistance programs, with 1 from a municipally operated program and 1 from a county-operated program; 1 to represent elderly victims; 1 member who represents the interests of individuals with mental illness; 1 board member of any statewide or local organization that exists primarily to aid victims of sexual violence or who is an employee of or a counselor for such an organization; 1 board member of any organization that exists primarily to aid victims of domestic violence or 1 employee of or counselor for such an organization; 1 member who is a board member or employee of any statewide organization that exists primarily to provide no cost legal representation to crime victims to seek enforcement of crime victims' rights during criminal proceedings; 1 member who is an employee of an agency that provides services to individuals with developmental or intellectual disabilities; 1 member of a victim service disability agency; 1 employee from a statewide forensic nursing organization; 1 employee or officer of a county probation department or a probation department operated by the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction; 1 county prosecuting attorney; 1 city law director; 1 county sheriff; 1 member or officer of a township or municipal police department; 1 court of common pleas judge; 1 municipal court judge or county court judge; and 2 private citizens who are not government employees. The Attorney General, 1 member of the Senate designated by the Senate President, and 1 member of the House of Representatives designated by the House Speaker serve as nonvoting members.