Boards and Commissions
Last Update: 8/19/2024
Voting Machines Examiners, Board of
2 members are appointed by Secretary of State, 1 member is appointed by the House Speaker or House Minority Leader, whichever is a member of the opposite political party from the one to which Secretary of State belongs, and 1 member is appointed by Senate President or Senate Minority Leader, whichever is member of the opposite political party to which Secretary of State belongs. All members must be a competent or experienced election officer or knowledgeable about the operation of voting machines, marking devices, automatic tabulating equipment, and software for the purpose of casting or tabulating votes or for communications among systems involved in the tabulation, storage, or casting of votes. Board members cannot have any pecuniary interest in voting machines, marking devices, automatic tabulating equipment or such software, or any affiliation with the vendor of any of the same.