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Boards and Commissions
Ohio Legislative Service Commission
Underground Technical Committee
Status Type of Board Full-time Expiration Date
Current Permanent No 12/31/2024
Subject to Sunset Review Partisan Affiliation Restriction Senate Confirmation Required
Yes No No
Authority Total Membership
R.C. 3781.34 17
Dates of Appointment Term Length
Not specified 4 years
Ending Date Of Term Report Requirements
The actual dates are not specified. The terms of office for members initially appointed must be staggered at two, three, and four years and determined by lot, except that the stakeholder group of the commercial excavator industry has only one member with an initial two-year term. No
Appointment Authority Membership Composition
Governor, House Minority Leader, Senate Minority Leader, Senate President, Speaker Public members
Compensation Staff Assistance
Not Specified None specified
Chairperson Additional Information
Not specified The committee was renewed by Section 701.10 of Am. Sub. H.B. 49 of the 132nd G.A, then again renewed by Section 5 of SB331 of the 133rd. G.A.
Four members from the stakeholder group of the commercial excavator industry, and one member from each of the following stakeholder groups: (1) the natural gas transmission pipeline industry, (2) the natural gas distribution industry, (3) electric utilities, (4) electric cooperatives, (5) a statewide organization representing independent oil and gas producers, (6) the telephone industry, (7) cable service providers, (8) locators of underground utility facilities, (9) municipal corporations, (10) the Department of Transportation, (11) the general public, (12) the hazardous liquids pipeline industry, and (13) designers, developers, or surveyors.