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Boards and Commissions
Ohio Legislative Service Commission
State Audit Committee
Status Type of Board Full-time Expiration Date
Current Permanent No 12/31/2024
Subject to Sunset Review Partisan Affiliation Restriction Senate Confirmation Required
Yes No No
Authority Total Membership
R.C. 126.46 5
Dates of Appointment Term Length
2-July 1, 2012 and each 3rd year thereafter 1-July 1, 2013 and each 3rd year thereafter 2-July 1, 2014 and each 3rd year thereafter 3 years
Ending Date Of Term Report Requirements
June 30 Review and comment on the process used by OBM to prepare state's annual financial report.
Appointment Authority Membership Composition
Governor, House or Senate Minority Leader makes recommendations only, Senate President, Speaker Members with other stated qualifications, Public members
Compensation Staff Assistance
Expenses Only None specified, Although the Committee appears to exist within the Office of Budget and Management
Chairperson Additional Information
Committee member appointed by Governor None
Governor appoints 1 member. House Speaker appoints 2 members, 1 of whom may be recommended by House Minority Leader. Senate President appoints 2 members, 1 of whom may be recommended by Senate Minority Leader. Senate President may belong to or be affiliated with the same political party. Each member must be external to the management structure of state government. The Governor's appointee must also have the program and management expertise required to perform duties of Committee's chairperson. Membership also must include at least 1 member who is a financial expert, at least 1 who is an active, inactive, or retired certified public accountant, at least 1 who is familiar with governmental financial accounting, at least 1 member who is familiar with information technology systems and services, and at least 1 to represent the public.