Appointed by Governor: 1 who by reason of previous vocation, employment, or affiliation can be classed as a representative of a major petroleum company; 1 who by previous training and experience can be classed as a representative of independent petroleum operators; 1 who by reason of previous training and experience can be classed as one learned and experienced in oil and gas law; 1 who by reason of previous training and experience can be classed as one learned and experienced in geology or petroleum engineering; and 1 who by reason of previous vocation, employment, or affiliation can be classed as a representative of the public. Not more than 3 of the same political party.
If a quorum cannot be obtained to consider a matter before the Commission because of vacancies or recusal of its members, the Commission's chairperson may appoint a number of temporary members to the Commission from a list of members of the Technical Advisory Council on Oil and Gas, submitted by the Council, as necessary to obtain a quorum to consider the matter. |