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Boards and Commissions
Ohio Legislative Service Commission
Ohio Nuclear Development Authority
Status Type of Board Full-time Expiration Date
Current Permanent No 12/31/2026
Subject to Sunset Review Partisan Affiliation Restriction Senate Confirmation Required
Yes No No
Authority Total Membership
R.C. 4164.04 9
Dates of Appointment Term Length
Initial appointments by February 3, 2024 5 years
Ending Date Of Term Report Requirements
Not specified None specified
Appointment Authority Membership Composition
Governor Members with other stated qualifications, Public members
Compensation Staff Assistance
Not Specified Executive agency staff
Chairperson Additional Information
Not specified

9 members appointed by the Governor, representing the following three stakeholder groups within the nuclear-engineering-and-manufacturing industry: (1) Safety; (2) Industry; (3) Engineering research and development.

A member appointed from the safety group must hold at least a bachelor's degree in nuclear, mechanical, chemical, or electrical engineering and at least one of the following shall also apply: (a) The member is a recognized professional in nuclear-reactor safety or developing ISO 9000 standards. (b) The member has been employed by or has worked closely with the United States department of energy or the nuclear regulatory commission and the member also has a professional background in nuclear-energy-technology development or advanced-nuclear-reactor concepts. (c) The member has been employed by a contractor that has built concept reactors and the member also worked with hazardous substances, either nuclear or chemical, during that employment.

A member appointed from the industry group shall have at least five years of experience in one or more of the following: (a) Nuclear-power-plant operation; (b) Processing and extracting isotopes; (c) Managing a facility that deals with hazardous substances, either nuclear or chemical; (d) Handling and storing nuclear waste.

A member appointed from the engineering research and development group shall hold at least a bachelor's degree in nuclear, mechanical, chemical, or electrical engineering and the member shall also be a recognized professional in at least one of the following areas of study: (a) Advanced nuclear reactors; (b) Materials science involving the study of alloys and metallurgy, ceramics, or composites; (c) Molten-salt chemistry; (d) Solid-state chemistry; (e) Chemical physics; (f) Actinide chemistry; (g) Instrumentation and sensors; (h) Control systems. The members shall be United States citizens and residents of this state.