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Boards and Commissions
Ohio Legislative Service Commission
Ohio Athletic Commission
Status Type of Board Full-time Expiration Date
Current Permanent No 12/31/2027
Subject to Sunset Review Partisan Affiliation Restriction Senate Confirmation Required
No No Yes
Authority Total Membership
R.C. 3773.33 3773.34 S.B. 240, 121st G.A. 7 (2 nonvoting legislators)
Dates of Appointment Term Length
2 on 9/04/10 and the same date each 3rd year thereafter 1 on 9/04/11 and the same date each 3rd year thereafter 2 on 9/04/12 and the same date each 3rd year thereafter 3 years
Ending Date Of Term Report Requirements
September 3 Report due by December 31 annually
Appointment Authority Membership Composition
Governor House members, Members with other stated qualifications, Senate members
Compensation Staff Assistance
Expenses Only, R.C. 124.15(J), Expenses - all members; R.C. 124.15(J) - voting members Own staff
Chairperson Additional Information
Governor names one voting member as chair. Replaced the State Boxing Commission. Commission required to maintain an office in Youngstown and keep all of its permanent records there. The licensing functions of the Commission are scheduled to expire on 12/31/2027 under R.C. 101.62 pursuant to Section 8 of H.B. 442 of the 133rd G.A.
Governor appoints 5 members with advice and consent of Senate: not more than 3 of same political party. Must be qualified electors and residents of the state not less than 5 years preceding their appointment; 2 must be knowledgeable in boxing and mixed martial arts. 1 member must be a doctor of medicine or osteopathic medicine. 1 member of the House of Representatives, appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and 1 member of the Senate, appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the President of the Senate, serve as nonvoting members. No person who is licensed, registered, or regulated by the Commission may be appointed to or may be an employee of the Commission. No member may have any legal or beneficial interest in any person who is licensed, registered, or regulated by the Commission or who participates in prize fights or public boxing or wrestling matches or exhibitions. No member may participate in any fight, match, or exhibition other than in the member's official capacity as a member or as an inspector.