Members with other stated qualifications, Other, State agency employees
Staff Assistance
Not Specified
None specified
Additional Information
Not specified
Medically Handicapped Children's Medical Advisory Council appoints the following members: 1 otolaryngologist, 1 neonatologist, 1 pediatrician, 1 neurologist, 1 hospital administrator, 2 or more audiologists experienced in infant hearing screening and evaluation, 1 speech-language pathologist, 2 persons who are each a parent of a hearing-impaired child, 1 geneticist, 1 epidemiologist, 1 adult who is deaf or hearing-impaired, 1 representative from an organization for the deaf or hearing-impaired, 1 family advocate, 1 nurse from a well-baby neonatal nursery, 1 nurse from a special care neonatal nursery, 1 teacher of the deaf who works with infants and toddlers, 1 representative of the health insurance industry, 1 representative of the Bureau for Children with Medical Handicaps of the Department of Health, 1 representative of the Department of Education, 1 representative of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services who has responsibility regarding Medicaid, and any other person the Advisory Council appoints.