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Boards and Commissions
Ohio Legislative Service Commission
Financial Planning and Supervision Commission for (name of school district)
Status Type of Board Full-time Expiration Date
Current Temporary No
Subject to Sunset Review Partisan Affiliation Restriction Senate Confirmation Required
No No No
Authority Total Membership
R.C. 3316.05 3316.09 3316.16 7 for commissions created on or before 7/1/99 5 for commissions created after 7/1/99
Dates of Appointment Term Length
Within 15 days after declaration of a school district fiscal emergency Pleasure of appointing authority
Ending Date Of Term Report Requirements
Commission for particular district terminates at end of fiscal emergency Commission required to adopt a financial recovery plan for the school district
Appointment Authority Membership Composition
Governor, Other Members with other stated qualifications, Statewide elected officials/department heads
Compensation Staff Assistance
Expenses Only Executive agency staff, Auditor of State and any state agency may be required to assign personnel skilled in accounting and budgeting procedures.
Chairperson Additional Information
Superintendent of Public Instruction Not within the scope of the Sunset Review Act.
1 each appointed by the Governor, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the mayor or county auditor who is a commission member. Members appointed by Governor and mayor or county auditor must have knowledge and experience in financial matters, financial management, or business organization or operations and at least 5 years' experience in the public or private sector in the management of business or financial enterprises or in management consulting, public accounting, or other similar professional activity, and must live or work within the school district. Member appointed by Superintendent of Public Instruction must be a parent of a child currently enrolled in a public school in the district. 4 ex officio for commissions created on or before 7/1/99: Superintendent of Public Instruction, Director of Budget and Management, superintendent of the school district, and mayor of the municipal corporation with the largest number of residents living within the school district, except that if more than 50% of the district's residents reside outside the municipal corporation containing the greatest number of district residents or if there is no municipal corporation located in the school district, the county auditor of the county with the largest number of residents living in the school district is a member of the commission in place of the mayor. 2 ex officio for commissions created after 7/1/99: Director of Budget and Management and Superintendent of Public Instruction, or their designees. Commission must include women and at least 1 Hispanic or African-American if Hispanics and African-Americans together constitute at least 20% of the district's student population.