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Boards and Commissions
Ohio Legislative Service Commission
Environmental Education Council
Status Type of Board Full-time Expiration Date
Current Permanent No 12/31/2024
Subject to Sunset Review Partisan Affiliation Restriction Senate Confirmation Required
Yes No Yes
Authority Total Membership
R.C. 3745.21 12 (2 legislators)
Dates of Appointment Term Length
3 - 10/2/09 and each 2nd year thereafter 4 - 10/2/10 and each 2nd year thereafter 2 years;term of office
Ending Date Of Term Report Requirements
October 1 Periodic reports
Appointment Authority Membership Composition
Governor, Other, Senate President, Speaker House members, Members with other stated qualifications, Senate members, Statewide elected officials/department heads
Compensation Staff Assistance
Expenses Only None specified, But is within the Environmental Protection Agency
Chairperson Additional Information
EPA Director H.B. 670, 121st G.A., changed former "Board of Trustees" to "Council." May propose expenditures from Environmental Education Fund.
Governor appoints 6 members with the advice and consent of the Senate: 2 from statewide environmental advocacy organizations, 1 to represent the interests of the Ohio industrial community, 1 to represent the interests of Ohio employers with 150 or fewer employees, 1 to represent municipal corporations, and 1 to represent Ohio elementary and secondary school teachers. Ohio Board of Regents appoints 1 member who is experienced in providing environmental education at the university or college level. House Speaker appoints 1 House member and Senate President appoints 1 Senate member. The Directors of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources and the Superintendent of Public Instruction, or their designees, are ex officio members. House and Senate members may appoint a designee to take their place.