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Boards and Commissions
Ohio Legislative Service Commission
Embalmers and Funeral Directors, Board of
Status Type of Board Full-time Expiration Date
Current Permanent No 12/31/2024
Subject to Sunset Review Partisan Affiliation Restriction Senate Confirmation Required
No No Yes
Authority Total Membership
R.C. 4717.02 4717.03 4743.01 7
Dates of Appointment Term Length
1 on 7/1/11 and the same date each 5th year thereafter 1 on 7/1/12 and the same date each 5th year thereafter 1 on 7/1/13 and the same date each 5th year thereafter 2 on 7/1/14 and the same date each 5th year thereafter 2 on 7/1/15 and the same date each 5th year thereafter 5 years
Ending Date Of Term Report Requirements
June 30 Annual report of the Board's receipts on or before first Monday in July to the Governor; annual report to LSC under R.C. 4743.01
Appointment Authority Membership Composition
Governor Members with other stated qualifications, Public members
Compensation Staff Assistance
Expenses Only, R.C. 124.15(J) Own staff
Chairperson Additional Information
President of Board selected by members The licensing functions of the Board are scheduled to expire under R.C. 101.62 on 12/31/2024.
5 members must be licensed practicing funeral directors, four of which must also be licensed embalmers. Each funeral director must have a minimum of 10 consecutive years of experience in Ohio immediately preceding appointment, and 1 of the funeral director members must hold a crematory operator permit and be knowledgeable and experienced in operating a crematory. 2 members must represent the public, at least 1 of whom must be at least age 60.