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Boards and Commissions
Ohio Legislative Service Commission
Elections Commission, Ohio
Status Type of Board Full-time Expiration Date
Current Permanent No
Subject to Sunset Review Partisan Affiliation Restriction Senate Confirmation Required
No No Yes
Authority Total Membership
R.C. 3517.152 7
Dates of Appointment Term Length
1 - 1/1/12 (nonpartisan member) 2 - 1/1/12 2 - 1/1/13 2 - 1/1/14 5 years
Ending Date Of Term Report Requirements
December 31 Not applicable
Appointment Authority Membership Composition
Governor, Other Members with other stated qualifications
Compensation Staff Assistance
Expenses Only, Specified Salary, plus expenses Own staff
Chairperson Additional Information
Elected by members of Commission None
House Speaker and Senate leader of the same party as House Speaker jointly submit to Governor a list of 5 persons affiliated with that party (and a list of 3 persons to save as an alternate), and the legislative leaders of the two houses who are not members of the same political party as the House Speaker jointly submit to Governor a list of 5 persons affiliated with the major political party of which the House Speaker is not a member (and a list of 3 persons to save as an alternate). Governor must appoint 3 persons from each 5-person list, and attempt to maintain a geographic balance in making appointments. The Governor must appoint 1 person from each list of persons to serve as alternates. The 6 gubernatorial appointees must appoint the seventh member, and the alternate seventh member, who must not be affiliated with a political party. Members serve for only one full term unless the terms are served nonconsecutively. Members must be registered electors of good moral character. No member may hold or be a candidate for any public office, serve on a committee supporting or opposing any candidate or ballot question or issue, be an officer of the state central committee or of the executive committee of the state central committee of a political party, be an officer of a county central committee or a district, city, township, or other committee of a political party, be an officer of the executive committee of a county central committee or a district, city, township, or other committee of a political party, be a legislative agent or executive agency lobbyist, solicit or be involved in soliciting contributions on behalf of a candidate, campaign committee, political party, or political action committee, be an officer or employee in the unclassified civil service, or be a person or employee exempt from collective bargaining coverage. No member may make a contribution to, or for the benefit of, a campaign committee or committee in support of or opposition to a ballot question or issue, a political party, a legislative campaign fund, a political action committee, or a political contributing entity.