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Boards and Commissions
Ohio Legislative Service Commission
Commission on Infant Mortality
Status Type of Board Full-time Expiration Date
Current Permanent No
Subject to Sunset Review Partisan Affiliation Restriction Senate Confirmation Required
No No No
Authority Total Membership
R.C. 3701.68 18
Dates of Appointment Term Length
Not specified Not specified
Ending Date Of Term Report Requirements
Not specified Not later than 9/19/15, must submit a report to Governor and General Assembly.
Appointment Authority Membership Composition
Governor, Other, Senate President, Speaker House members, Members with other stated qualifications, Senate members, Statewide elected officials/department heads
Compensation Staff Assistance
No Compensation LSC
Chairperson Additional Information
Speaker and President must appoint two members to serve as co-chairpersons President and Speaker determine responsibilities of the Commission after it submits its report.
Two members of the Senate appointed by Senate President (one from each party); two members of the house appointed by the Speaker (one from each party); the Governor or designee; Medicaid Director or designee; Director of Health or designee; Director of Developmental Disabilities or designee; Executive Director of the Commission on Minority Health or designee; Attorney General or designee; a health commissioner of a city or general health district, appointed by the Governor; a coroner, deputy coroner, or other person who conducts death scene investigations, appointed by the Governor; an individual who represents the Ohio Hospital Association, appointed by the association's president; an individual who represents the Ohio Children's Hospital Association, appointed by the association's president; two individuals who represent community-based programs that serve pregnant women or new mothers whose infants tend to be at a higher risk for infant mortality, appointed by the Governor; and two individuals who represent children's interests, one to be appointed by the Speaker and one to be appointed by the Senate President.