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Boards and Commissions
Ohio Legislative Service Commission
Commission on Eastern European Affairs
Status Type of Board Full-time Expiration Date
Current Permanent No 12/31/2026
Subject to Sunset Review Partisan Affiliation Restriction Senate Confirmation Required
Yes No No
Authority Total Membership
R.C. 107.22 13
Dates of Appointment Term Length
Not specified After initial terms, public members serve 3 years and members of the General Assembly serve until the end of their term in the G.A.
Ending Date Of Term Report Requirements
Not specified None
Appointment Authority Membership Composition
Governor, Senate President, Speaker House members, Members with other stated qualifications, Public members, Senate members
Compensation Staff Assistance
Not Specified None specified, Other, Office of Eastern European Affairs assists the Commission
Chairperson Additional Information
Elect from among its public members

(a) Nine members appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, (b) One member who is a private citizen appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, to serve a term ending three years after the appointment, (c) One member who is a private citizen appointed by the president of the senate, (d) One nonvoting member who is a member of the House of Representatives appointed by the speaker, (e) One nonvoting member who is a member of the Senate appointed by the President.

(2) Public appointed members must be representative of communities with persons who self-identify as possessing eastern European ancestry, and must be appointed proportionally relative to the population of eastern European people in the state, and shall be a person who meets the definition of eastern European people or a person who is allied with those people, and a citizen, or a lawful and permanent resident.